LTQ Sunshine Coast Branch
Contact: Alison Law
Discussion list
The Sunshine Coast Branch meets twice a term to promote networking among it’s members, so coffee and cake is an integral part of this. Meetings are an opportunity to discuss pedagogical and curriculum developments, to share knowledge and support each other.
Our Speech Contest Convenor works hard with a team of volunteers to provide local students with an opportunity to showcase excellence at the LTQ Sunshine Coast Branch Speech Contest, held at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Several student competitions are offered every year to give teachers an opportunity to showcase the excellent Languages programs in their schools.
What's on in 2025?
Please click here to see all the key dates for the Sunshine Coast Branch in 2025.
The AGM is on Thursday in Term 1, week 9 (27/03/25).
Where possible, Branch meetings have been scheduled soon after LTQ's Languages Teachers Forum. This gives members the opportunity to continue their professional conversations on the topic of the previous Forum. Other agenda items are welcome of course!
Afternoon tea will be available at all of the face to face events, and two social functions have been planned in 2025.
Sunshine Coast Branch Languages Term Three Speech Contest 2024
Our Speech Contest was held on Sunday August 25, 2024, at UniSC.
Sunshine Coast Branch Writing Competition Term Two 2024
Own choice of topic allows students to showcase their own language achievements within their school’s program, or based on their own interests.
Personal interest, homework or assignment work may be submitted, either as a handwritten or digital text.
Language used should be at the learner’s own level, appropriate to their age and grade at school, based on national curriculum standards.
Sunshine Coast Branch Poster Competition Term One 2024
"Embracing our Differences" was the theme for this year's poster competition.
Thank you to all those teachers and students who participated, and congratulations on the high quality of entries this year.